Citi Philippines recently launched its newest credit card product, dubbed Citi Simplicity+, which is touted as an industry first for the country – offering no annual fee, no late payment fees, and no overlimit fees, as well as 10% back on interest charges for on-time payments. The introduction of Citi Simplicity+ responds to the needs of consumers for a card that’s well-suited for busy lifestyles, by providing a remarkable customer experience that’s simple and convenient.
Citi Philippines CEO Aftab Ahmed said, “Citi Simplicity+ is an example of Citi’s commitment to putting our clients’ interests first while creating economic value. With Simplicity+, we simplify the client experience and make it more convenient and beneficial for our clients to undertake everyday purchases and transactions.”
Other benefits available to Citi Simplicity+ cardholders include Citi PayLite for easy installment purchases, Click for Cash for emergency cash loans, Citi One Bill for hassle-free auto-debit payments, and a world of special privileges on shopping, travel, and dining.
Says David Stoughton, head of Credit Payment Products at Citi Philippines:
“With a growing urban population in the Philippines where people are living in a much more fast-paced environment, Citi Simplicity+ offers consumers peace of mind with its simplified terms and conditions, no annual fee, no late fees, and no overlimit fees. This is extremely convenient for people who are constantly on the go, managing multiple tasks and schedules. Through Citi Simplicity+, we are also showing our appreciation to those who pay on time by giving them 10% back on interest charges.”
The Citi Simplicity brand has been rolled out previously in the US, Australia, UAE, Poland, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand.
To apply for the Citi Simplicity+ Card, please visit 11/22/2017 (The Lifestyle Portal)
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