Orthodox Calendar 2014 Teaser Shows Priests Without Clothes!


Orthodox Calendar is an annual calendar sold online for 29 Euro (P1,698.81). The calendar is a hot calendar showing sizzling sexy hunks posing like priests! It is a campaign for marriage equality or same-sex marriage.    

Inline with the launch of the 2014 Orthodox Calendar, a sexy hot video teaser has been launched online. The video shows the yummy hunks shot naked while in bed, in the kitchen and in other parts of the house. The video introduction emphasized: the calendar is “in celebration of the fact that love, regardless of sexual orientation exists and can be celebrated everywhere and by everyone.” 

Check out the said hot video teaser courtesy of Orthodox Calendar Official YouTube account:

The said calendar can be bought on their website via this link: http://www.orthodox-calendar.com/shop. What can you say about this campaign?!  - The Lifestyle Portal

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