GCash, TESDA Partner for Cashless Disbursement of Allowance for More than 317,000 Scholars


GCash, the leading digital mobile wallet company in the country, has partnered with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) for the cashless disbursement of the Training Support Fund (TSF), the allowance given to scholars for their vocational training. TESDA said that more than 379k scholars can avail of this safe and seamless mode of allowance distribution this year.

“We, at GCash, are continuously innovating to provide better services for our customers and partners, including the seamless delivery of government allowances and benefits during these challenging times. We look forward to having a long and fruitful partnership with TESDA to help us in our mission to improve the everyday lives of every Filipino,” said Martha Sazon, President and CEO of GCash.


To receive their training allowance via GCash, TESDA scholars simply need to download the GCash app on their smartphones through the Google Play Store or App Store and coordinate with the authorized TESDA representatives. Scholars will receive P160 per training day and other allowances for internet and a uniform.

“This is a very momentous event for TESDA and its scholars. On behalf of TESDA, we would like to thank GCash. With this, we can improve our services and avoid time delays in releasing the allowances. This will be a great help for our scholars who are the beneficiaries of this partnership,” said TESDA Secretary Isidro Lapeña.

Cathlyn Pavia, Assistant Vice President and Head of Public Sector and Partnerships of GCash, added, “Scholars can also use GCash, not only for their everyday expenses, but for other financial services as well, such as savings, investment, insurance and even a more affordable way to avail of loans and credits for their livelihood after their training at TESDA.”

With GCash’s products and services, government agencies like TESDA can have a faster and more efficient allowance disbursement system, helping beneficiaries have convenient access to their allowances to support their needs.

For more information, visit www.gcash.com. 04/29/2022 (The Lifestyle Portal)


About GCash

GCash (G-Xchange, Inc.) is the #1 Financial App in the Philippines. Through the GCash App, customers can easily purchase prepaid airtime; pay bills at over 1.3k partner billers; send and receive money anywhere in the Philippines, even to other bank accounts; purchase from over 4.5M partner merchants and social sellers; cash-in and cash-out at over 170k partner agents; and get access to savings, credit, insurance and invest money all at the convenience of their smartphones. GCash is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mynt (Globe Fintech Innovations, Inc.).
GCash was recognized by The Asian Banker (TAB) and by the IDC in 2021 for its outstanding digital financial inclusion programs impacting more than 55 million Filipinos in the country today.


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