Earlier this year, Maxicare Healthcare Corporation launched its TeleConsult service, a 24/7 hotline exclusively for Maxicare members and their dependents, that allows them to connect with Maxicare-accredited doctors any time they need a consultation.
What do you get out of using TeleConsult? Let’s take a look at some of its most important advantages.
It saves you time.
A chest pain in the night, a stomachache out of nowhere – without the advantage of consultation, these ailments often lead us to take a trip to the nearest emergency room. While it’s definitely a good idea to see a professional whenever something feels off, these trips will eat up your time, especially if you have to take a day off work for them.
Why You Should TeleConsult With Us
With TeleConsult, a quick - call is all you need to get in touch with a doctor, explain your symptoms, and hopefully get an answer to your questions about how you feel. Of course, there will be times that your consultation will lead to a recommendation to head over to the hospital anyway, but at least it won’t be every time you have a mild headache!
It saves you money.
The aforementioned ER trips and consultations aren’t just time sinks – they eat up your benefit limit as well, which could be better used for when you have an actual disease. TeleConsult is a free service that doesn’t consume your benefit limit, leaving it open for more urgent healthcare concerns.
You get peace of mind.
There’s an old joke about self-diagnosing with WebMD: Whatever your symptoms are, you always have cancer! Self-diagnosis is never recommended, especially if you have no medical training – and even doctors with years of experience will still seek a second opinion if the patient is themselves! However, it’s still tempting to look up your symptoms online and end up with a laundry list of potential diseases, fixating on the scariest ones.
If you use TeleConsult, however, you’re assured that your symptoms are looked over by a Maxicare affiliated physician, and that you receive a professional diagnosis in turn.
A complement to traditional healthcare channels
There’s no replacement for a face-to-face trip to the doctor, and that isn’t the goal that TeleConsult wants to achieve. Instead, it’s where you go before heading over to a specialist, or where you go if you need immediate advice for a medical condition. Over time, the TeleConsult service aims to evolve into an important part of the healthcare system, with intelligent connections to wearable health technology, health management platforms, data analytics, and more, all in the name of serving up personalized, efficient, and effective healthcare services to every member.
Are you ready for your TeleConsultation? Call these numbers whenever you need to talk to a Maxicare physician: [Landline] (02) 5821980 | [Globe] (0917) 8190840 | [Smart] (0998) 8430754
To know more about Maxicare and its products and services, check out www.maxicare.com.ph.
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