Vault Revels in the Wonder of 'Time'


Vault invites you for a good time with its Time Issue, entirely dedicated to the concept of time and the lifestyle that emanates from man’s mastery of it.

In this issue, watches take center stage—from primitive sundials to the first mechanical clocks that appeared in the early Renaissance to this year’s generation of digital smart watches, to our passion to set speed records or explore the depths of outer and inner space.

There is hardly any aspect of modern life unaffected by our reliance on time and the inescapable need to organize our experiences and aspirations around it. Hence, this issue pays tribute to the genius minds that have crafted the theories and instruments that measure time, as much as it is a paean to the men and women who have reveled and continue to take pleasure in the idea of mastering it.

Vault also highlights icons that have stood the test of time and repositories of memories—from the majestic Luneta Hotel that was built in 1919 to pocket watches that influenced men’s fashion to the classic beard that dictated the style zeitgeist of every era.

Published once every two months by ABS-CBN Publishing, each issue of Vault has sections dedicated to automobiles, aviation, new establishments, equipment, travel, timepieces, art, style, grooming, property, and fine dining. Vault is sold at all major bookstores in Metro Manila and is available for download on Zinio. To download ABS-CBN’s magazines, users on Android devices must download the Zinio app from the Android Market. The app is also available through the iPad App Store. PC and Mac users can access Zinio at  - The Lifestyle Portal

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