Live Your Style with adidas NEO


I am a person of style! Yes, in everything that I do, I do it with a style - the blog that I write, the way I pose in a picture, the way I move, or the clothes that I wear all speak for a style! 

Since I'm a stylish person, many were curious if how do I express myself with a style?! Well, I simply answer, I express my self with a style by being myself! Yes, I'm being what I should be! It simply, being yourself, being real! 

Since I'm true to myself, I can express my own personal style with uniqueness! Since everyone of us has our own personality, uniqueness already means a style! Being true to myself, I can move freely and comfortably! That's why I can wear what I want, I can express what I feel, I can write or blog what my mind speaks! And in that ways, people already find me stylish!

Look at the three young celebrities below. All of them were stylish not because they were wearing the cool Addidas Neo fashion. But because they express true to themselves the way I do:

The Asian Yoo Seung in Style!

The Heartthrob Wenn in Style

The RnB Sensation Justin Bieber in Style

Cool! Now you see their uniqueness from one another! Who do you think among those three guys above express themselves more stylish?!

Yeah, it's really fun being in style! It's how we design our own personality showing how creative we are in our own way!

Embrace fun, spontaneity and the unexpected twists in fashion when the adidas NEO Label Spring 2013 collection hits stores in January to March.

Living a carefree journey that lets teens make their own style, NEO will capture attention with unique and innovative fashion and design twists on Spring merchandise. Products have multiple purposes or added value.

NEO will release a fresh product offering each month, spotlighting a fashion trend interpreted in a different way. In March patterns are the highlight, featuring vibrant waves of colour, with subtle patterns that appear to be one thing but on close inspection reveal another. These will include camouflage prints and edgy takes on adidas NEO slogans with a focus on windbreakers and shirts. Sporty, street and lifestyle footwear silhouettes with strong colour and graphic links create the look.

NEO footwear is available in SM and select Robinson’s Department Stores nationwide.  

Express yourself, be in style! Addidas NEO brings out the style in you! -

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