Taking Up the Medicard-Metafit Fitness Boot Camp Challenge!

Fit, Fun and Fresh - an evening of work-out that will surely make you sweat and healthy.

The Medicard-Metafit Fitness Boot Camp trial session was held at Medicard Lifestyle Center last February 16, 2013, in collaboration with APEX-Metafit coaches Jim Saret (Founder), Toni Dimaguila-Saret and Grace Siongco, together with Hazel Chua and Raffy Tan of  Biggest Loser Pinoy Edition and spearheaded by Medicard president Dr. Nicky Montoya and Ms.Kate Cruz-Joaquin, Medicard Marketing Manager.

The Bloggers who Took the Challenge!

The Fitness Gurus!

The Challengers, The Bloggers, The Guests, and The Coaches!

In the recent briefing event of MediCard-Metafit, the bloggers and some participants were already put to training what they’ll experience heavily at the boot camp which starts on February 25.

The workout techniques and methods - 10 jumping jacks, 10 squats, 10 pushups, 10 lounges per leg for a warm-up stint focuses more on lower body strength with over-all metabolic exercises. This was done the AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) within 4 minutes, pretty much the same as what you’d expect from a crossfit trial.

After the warm-up comes the Enter the 50/10, participants were made to do as many repetitions as they can of a specific exercise within 50 seconds with a 10 seconds rest in between. For a beginner, the second part of the work-out composed of “Burpees”, crab-like lateral movements, High Knees and Plank can be quite tiresome. But as any other Metafit trainings, coaches were there not only to guide the participants physically but they were also very motivational and supportive.

The Body-Builders!

The Health and Fitness Coaches

The Participants Who Will Take the Fitness Camp!

What the participants experienced that night was just a teaser of what to expect from the boot camp; the rest of the exciting drills and activities are yet to come, at the same venue which is the Medicard Lifestyle Center.

We all make many compromises in our life. One of the biggest and the most compromised aspect of our lives today involve our own health and fitness. It may be because of the busy schedule and different priorities that we opt to neglect our body and its needs. We are unaware of the effects of these compromises we make, until it strikes us. Living a healthy and fitter life may be difficult but is not impossible. It is just a matter of self-discipline and solid commitment in taking care of your body and motivation. So why not give Metafit a try? -www.thelifestyleportal.blogspot.com

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