imollo Keeps Life Simple and Easy


K.I.S.S. (keep it simple, stupid – or keep it short and simple) is a maxim that has stood the test of time. From the development of designs to management of operations, people universally prefer what is simple, easy to learn and use, and time-efficient in its productivity. Inspired by this credo, imollo Ltd. and its team of technical and legal consultancy experts created an online communication platform that addresses practical needs with concrete solutions. And the best part… Filipinos are now readily embracing the innovation and are keen to keep things simple as well.

Recently recognized as one of only 15 finalists in the Unicredit- and Confindustria-supported Talento delle Idée 2012 (Talent of Ideas) in Europe, imollo is touted to be the latest game-changer in the realm of online information exchange. It has quite efficiently put together the services required by today’s netizens in a single, easy-to-use, no-frills platform that ensures online communication is both fast and safe. imollo allows quick and easy sharing and storing of files as well as the safe transferring of these to single or multiple contacts with a simple drag and drop motion into its visually captivating tunnel. The desktop application seemingly gobbles up your files and instantaneously transports them to your contacts’ computer. No time wasted in logging on to an email account, attaching files in batches (what with the standard 10MB attachment limits set by email hosts!), zipping huge files in folders, and waiting for the files to upload before you’re able to hit the ‘send’ button. No worries about potential virus attacks and unsafe file transfers. No second-guessing whether your intended recipient’s inbox has been crammed by your huge file attachments. Sending and receiving files is a breeze with imollo and it saves you precious time spent online… time you can now pour into your life’s passions. 

Apart from ensuring its growing community of users efficient file exchange, imollo also provides unlimited cloud storage absolutely free of charge. Gone are the days of needless worrying about having constant access to your most important files whenever and wherever. The littlest of thumb drives with the biggest of storage capacities is still no match to free cloud storage, which is your only real security blanket. You won’t forget it and you can’t misplace it.
Even online messaging is made simpler with an uncluttered chat function running from the same imollo application on your desktop. Send your contacts a message to let them know that files have been sent or talk about suggestions for improvement on the presentation you just sent. No more email threads with the never-ending ‘re: re: re: re: re: re:’ headers and the confusing flow of information exchange. 

Everything you need is in one platform. It’s really that simple. Oh, and yes, lest we forget, it’s absolutely free! 

Experience imollo now. Simply download the application from the website,, install, create an account, add your contacts, and you’re all set to send things, get things. Encourage your family, friends, and colleagues to spread the word in keeping things simple.

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